miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Do you know this song?

1- What is the name of this song?
2- Who wrote it?
3- Who are OUTLANDISH?
Visit the wikipedia and complete a chart with: musicians' names, nationality, origin, religion, topics in their songs, names of songs, albums.
4- Write a brief opinion on this song.

stella :-)

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Let's practice some English

If you click HERE, you can practice some English.

Click HERE for some more good ideas.

(You cann choose File 1 & 2 or Unit 1 & 2 )

stella :-)

sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Dear Stella,

Thank you for your kind words about our founder Emmanuel Jal. It is always lovely to hear how his life's passion and work has inspired people all around the world. I will forward this onto Emmanuel and will ensure that he writes something back to you and your students.
Sincerest regards,
Kate Gumm

Gua Africa